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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

To protect men's health is your responsibility

Humans are not machine driven animals. The mind can do whatever it wants with this mortal body. Because after a certain period this body has its fatigue, its energy has decay; which stops his enthusiasm or hinders him from moving forward. So no matter how strong or powerful you are, you need to be more careful about your body and mind, or danger will always signal to you when you feel weak or tired of your body. Therefore, there is a need for protection of men's health in particular, and in this regard, first, the family should be aware of men's health.

men's health responsibility

And in this case, men's health is at greater risk. Because they have to deal with a lot of things, they have to deal with adversity day after day thinking about the happiness and peace of the family. So many times they forget that health is the root of all happiness. If you are well or healthier than your family and relatives are all healthy and happy with you. But if the opposite picture ever emerges, it seems to be a very thought-provoking, emotional catastrophe to oneself, not to one's family. It doesn't even take long to become an addict. And thus not just life; the whole family and society are also affected. So it is more important to be careful to have time and a regular balanced diet, exercise, health check-up, going on vacation, giving more time to family.

A healthy life is to allow enjoying the years of life available to each person. Medical advice can help the body maintain its performance as it ages. A longer life expectancy should not be treated a jail sentence to inactivity. As the body ages, there is an expected and normal physiologic change in some hormones in the male body.

10 Diseases are extremely harmful to men's health

1. Heart disease
2. Cancers
3. Injuries
4. Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA)
5. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
6. Diabetes
7. Influenza and pneumonia
8. Suicide
9. Kidney disease
10. Alzheimer's disease

We all have a common connection with each other because we are not separate from family or society, and that is that we are the best living beings in creation. Because we have advanced thinking, trust, love, and empathy for all, we all get strength and inspiration to deal with all adverse environments or disasters together. For example, the current Corona situation is visual proof that we are never far from each other. We all pray for the well-being of all.

But no disease or invisible force will ever be a relative or a member of our family or society, whom we will receive as hospitality. They are the ultimate enemy of our body and mind. Because they know how to take away happiness, peace, joy, and they do not hesitate to take away precious lives. And even though we know all this, we compromise with them day after day, night after night! Sometimes we become addicted to drugs by associating with bad friends or suffering from more mental depression, by making the healthy body sick through negligence. And then all these invisible enemies take up residence in our body and for a while make us weak or force us to refrain from our normal activities. So we need to be careful to have time.

Most of the frequent diseases that affect men are potentially revertible, but one needs to know their enemy. Trustingly, the presence of some diseases increases the tendency that another will occur. Heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and dementia all share the same risk influence:

•          Smoking,
•          High blood pressure,
•          High cholesterol, and
•          Family history.

The following are the top disease that kills men's health, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

And men's health is at greater risk for serious illnesses due to such addictions and symptoms than women, which means that women live longer than men, and this has been shown through various studies if we look at the World Health Organization's report;

It is true that women naturally live longer and healthier than men. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) data for 2017, the average life expectancy worldwide was 72 years.

However, other reports say that,

Recent research indicates that there will be no longer a life expectancy between men and women in the future.
According to a study by Imperial College London, by 2030, the life expectancy between men and women in the UK will be only one year and nine months.
According to the UK's Office for National Statistics, a boy born in the UK today can live an average of 69 years and two months and a girl 72 years and nine months.
Another study, led by Professor Les Meihu of the Department of Statistics at the Business School, found that by 2023, the life expectancy of men and women will be equal.
In addition, in countries where road accident-related deaths are declining, it is helping men add extra years to the average life expectancy.

I think this is a different topic. From a religious point of view, the Creator may have determined who will live on this earth for how many years. It is also true and proven through various researches and surveys that healthy and strong people or animals live longer. And in this case, the Japanese are one step ahead. Because they are aware enough about their health system.

So we need to be more aware of men's health. Because our bodies are incredibly complex machines that require fuel components (food, water, and air) to grow, function, and repair itself. So the body requires routine maintenance to generate it last a long time and to function well throughout a person's life prediction. Using the body as it was calculated and minimizing abuse also increases its ability to best perform.

So to run the organism properly, the following things must be practiced every day with importance

1. Cat Camel Stretch
2. Go for a Walk or a Run
3. Jumping Jacks
4. Abductor Side Lifts
5. Balancing Table Pose
6. Leg Squats
7. Push-Ups
8. Bicycle Crunches
9. Lunges
10. Bicep Curls

men's health responsibility.

There are many benefits to exercising, a lot of which are health advantages. The following benefits are associated with cardio exercises:

Health Benefits
  • Strengthens the heart
  • It helps strengthen your bones and muscles.
  • Helps build up muscle and physique and keep weight in check
  • Less risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Promote blood flow and circulations
  • Better triglyceride levels
  • Less risk of osteoporosis

Personal Benefits:
  • Improve self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Feel more energetic.
  • Boost brainpower.
  • Prevent cognitive decline.
  • Increased productivity
  • Tap into creativity  

·         Releases serotonin and dopamine which make you happy

 men's health responsibility.

A healthy body provides the necessary hygiene for mental and spiritual wellness. Imagine when a small pimple can ruin your day, a body full of diseases can wreak havoc on your mind. I wish you all the best and go easy on yourself. It takes time to master these things, but the sooner you get started the better.

Best Regards

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