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Friday, May 22, 2020

How Has the Corona virus affected you in this pandemic Situations?

The Corona virus is now a name of terror for us and the extent to which it has made our normal lives miserable can be seen by looking at the world map. There is no country in the world that has not succumbed to the Corona epidemic. Whether he is the world's Raghav Boal (Superpower) or Limestone; everyone has bowed down to him, even forcing his supremacy to his fears which is extremely priceless today. And because of this, superpower countries like America have suffered the most. At the same time, the poorest states have been defeated and there is an outcry among the people, which we know every day through the World Health Organization or various media and newspapers, and I can only guess at how much more awaits those states. Especially countries like Bangladesh or continents like Africa are the main topics of discussion for all experts now. If we do not think about the next and become more aware from now on, then all these countries are waiting for the death cry. One thing to note here is that the economic structure of all these countries is fragile, and they do not have the long-term capacity to meet the needs of a large population. Still trying to deal with this situation. But the future will tell how long it will continue like this. In the meantime, the economic driving force of many countries has stopped, the health system has collapsed, there has been a shortage of food, the meaning of normal life has changed, which is a cause for great concern. Working on an article about how the corona virus outbreak has dislocated our regular lives of Work, social life, interpersonal communication, kids from their playground moreover our education & financial life.

Effects of these pandemic Situations:

How to work from Home while you’re Boss doesn’t allow You Coming In at your work station. If your company is making you work from home during the corona virus outbreak, the below mentioned is the essential tools you need to make that alteration work.

  • Get familiar with your company’s telecommuting tools
  • Get the useful gear, even if you work from home only occasionally.
  • A great webcam
  • Noise-canceling headphones
  • A laptop stands with your laptop.
  • A Strong Wi-Fi Connection 
  • Make a dedicated workspace in your home
  • Behave as you work, but balance it with your home life
  • Make plans to have a caretaker help with young children
  • Feel isolated when you’re working from home
 the Corona virus affected you

Cries and Incredulity as Corona virus Cancels Youth Sports & Educations:

  • Millions of kids stay home because the competition gets dark, although some try to play limited games.
  • At the youth level, an indefinite pause in practices, games, and tournaments promises to upset the rhythms of countless families and deal a significant blow to the youth sports economy.
  • “It was an urgency of mistrust, distress, and tears because it’s over, and you are not getting to finish what you have started,” while your coach is saying or informing you such kind of unexpected news due to corona virus outbreak.
  • Whatever the game is if you cannot carry on the spirit due to the above reason that will make you mentally & physically unstable both in a healthy and wealthy way.

Dr. Andrew Stolbach is an emergency physician and a faculty member at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He also is a wrestling coach for his 12-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter’s club in Baltimore.

“I was disappointed when they canceled our state tournament — there were kids graduating from the program that I’ve known for five years that are not going to get a proper send-off,” Dr. Stolbach said. “But we don’t need organized sports right now when we are trying to slow this virus down. You’re not just bringing kids to games. You are bringing parents and grandparents together. It’s just not necessary to put so many people at risk.”

If we sum up Dr. Andrew Stolbach’s speech due to corona virus it might be blowout one from another if we continue the whole sports process. Facing the threat of the corona virus, schools across the country are trying a new experiment in distance learning on a massive scale.

Many of the districts are applying distance learning. Students logged in at 8:30 a.m. to a new educational reality that school. Now students are getting up early morning after having their breakfast they are getting ready for their class from home. Parents are very much aware of this process side by their home office set up they are also helping the kids to get habituated with the education process so that they can keep themselves active with the school education process as corona virus outbreaks. Teachers are sending the classwork or modules online to the students so that they can continue their education process on this unexpected situation.

the Corona virus affected you

Social Distance: 

Social life is critically getting troubled due to COVID-19. As we are socially connected with each one. As we are leaving in a society for a long time, we used to share our news and views, visiting each other’s houses on several occasions. 

We know that lots of people have had to cancel their travel plans, but we’d like to hear about how the outbreak has impacted everyday life, from working to socializing. The corona virus has ensued in innumerable changes to daily life, with schools being closed, travel being overturned, and sporting events being canceled or suspended. The unique nature of this crisis is revealed once we review how global epidemics have affected different aspects of life.

At 6 p.m. on most nights the whole city becoming a disaster night no people on the road for lockdown situation by the local administration. All shopping malls, theater, or cinema complex are closed, trust me we do not know when & when they are going to reopen again. Few grocery shops getting permission to open for the citizen’s needs. The other part of the market who deals with the fish, meat, and all kind of green vegetable also reopen for the same time as well. But we cannot be allowed to make a crowd there. 

Corona virus: Achromatic escort to economic influence:

  • Global shares take a hit
  • People will start losing their job.
  • Family life will be miserable. 
  • Children will be psychologically disturbed due to this family crisis.
  • Crime will increase faster due to the financial crisis.
  • The business will lose its aspects. 
  • Social bonding will crackdown.
  • Many men will be jobless and will be diverted to several kinds of crimes.
  • The food crisis will be in the high pick. 
  • The epidemic will spread enormously.
  • Many people will break the lockdown due to frustration.
  • While lockdown situation be out of control the virus will get a platform to blowout quicker.
  • Many people will die; the socio-economic situation will break down. 
  • Local and multi nation company will lose their business in many ways; will be forced to lay off.
  • The currency rate will fall down.
  • Financial institutions will be shut down due to poor money transactions of clients.
  • Corp production will be 0% as many people will be dead or scared to come out. 
  • Govt. will lose their control to the administration. 
  • In one stage there will be a shortage of skilled employees and workers.
  • Hospitals will be unavailable to provide us medical supports as pharmaceuticals will fail to provide us medicine.
  • Many kinds of diseases will spread out due to dead people.
  • Nature will lose its beauty.  
the Corona virus affected you

We may never be able to estimate how much the corona virus has affected our daily lives, or it is not possible to calculate the total. Yet the helplessness that the epidemic Corona virus has forced our superpowers to accept is easily conceivable! Life has already changed... It has RESET everything. The race, the competition, some have faced setbacks... Some see new opportunity...some restart again... This period has brought us closer to home. So stay at home, stay healthy, and be aware and sympathetic to your family and others as much as you are aware of yourself. Because now it is as important to stay at a safe distance as it is to find out about others.

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