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Friday, August 7, 2020

The importance of meditation in personal life is immense.

There are several benefits to meditation. In my experience, here are the ones I’ve noticed in myself after meditating every day for at least 30 minutes for about 2 years so far:

Meditation is a great way to open up after a long day. Thanks to the practice of mindfulness meditation in the past, I have learned how to acknowledge my thoughts without engulfing me and consequently learn how to manage my time better.

Studies show that meditation gives you more energy and teaches you to be flexible. I remember reading a study comparing students to meditators and those who practiced, so guess who had more energy? Of course meditators. Thanks to this I can go to my 3 businesses, full-time work, gym 3x a week and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at least 4x no problem. Talk about strength!

I had trouble sleeping and this is why I went back to meditation first. I now sleep like a baby and the other benefits of meditation that I have attached above

Since meditation increases gray matter in the brain, after meditating for at least 20-30 minutes every day for 8 weeks, I have found that I have more empathy and can have better relationships with others.


How does meditation benefits stress?


In this article, I will describe how to bring meditation to your day-to-day life so that you can deal with stress as it arises.


And what resulted was meditation. A feeling of well being and unfocussed awareness arose in me. I was lying down but I never actually fell asleep. I just rested in this feeling of well being, in this unfocussed awareness. And when I arose I was transformed. 


I was eager to start work again and the stress had disappeared. This is just one example of how meditation benefits to stress. You will have to practice meditation and integrate it into your day-to-day life. But the results are more than worth it.


I use a variety of concepts or tools to deal with the stress in my life. You are free to use the same methods but it takes some work. Be warned – it is not an easy way but it works.


How meditation benefits stress and the concepts I use are explained as follows:-


All is Not-Self: According to the Vedanta or Advaita Hinduism, the ego is not the self. It is not you. The Body –Mind –Feeling – Intellect aggregate that you identify with and which forms the ego is not the self. More details on this line of reasoning can be found in The Quest of the Overself by Paul Brunton.


All is a manifestation of God: As applied to stress it means that the stressed feeling is also a manifestation of God. So treat it with politeness and respect.


Buddhism said that "this mind is Buddha". So the next time you are stressed (or whenever you have a moment to spare) stop yourself and be one with your mind – its thoughts and feelings. It is all the Buddha's mind. Tell yourself that this is what the Buddha-mind requires of you at the moment. This is what God requires of you at the moment.


Treat the stressed feeling with respect and reverence. Do not try to thrust it away or reject it. Deal with it with love and non-violence. This is the way meditation benefits stress.


Awareness of the breath: At the same time you can be aware of the breath it’s coming and going. A simple exercise is to say to yourself as your breath:-


“Breathing in I am aware of a feeling of stress, Breathing out I am aware of a feeling of stress”.


Do not grasp at the feeling, do not reject it or thrust it away. Just be aware of the feeling and the breath and have the feeling drop away of its own accord.


This will transform the energy of the stressed feeling. You will be one with it and the energy will be available for your use.


Thich Nhat Hanh says that this is similar to a skilled gardener using organic manure to grow roses. Like the gardener, we can transform the negativity in our mind to roses of our choice.


It is a simple matter of transformation of energy and once you are comfortable with the method you will see that it is both possible and easy. So, this is how meditation benefits to stress.


Impermanence: All is transient, all is unsatisfactory: What to talk of our feeling, experiences, and achievements, we are going to pass away one day. Science tells us that the Universe itself will cease to exist in time to come.


Remind yourself that this stressed feeling will soon end and continue with the exercise described earlier in this article.


So, this again is how meditation benefits to stress.


Mindfulness on Death: One quotation that has stuck with me is this (I forget who said these words, but that is not important):-


“The Human mind is as much an organ for finding food like a pig’s snout”.


In other words our habits of compulsive thinking and the feelings of anxiety that keep coming up, all these arise because we wish to ensure the survival and comfort of our bodies.


But we cannot avoid death, no matter what we do. All our efforts to survive are ultimately going to be defeated. So there are sound reasons for not taking this whole drama so seriously.


The importance of meditation in personal life is immense.

Through mindfulness on death, if we can learn to be at peace with the prospect of our passing then we can more easily dis-identify and not get caught up in our thoughts and feelings. This is the peace that passeth understanding and it is ours through the mindfulness on death practice.


For learning this practice, please refer to The Tibetan Book on Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche and No Death No Fear by Thich Nhat Hanh.


So these then are the ways how meditation benefits to stress. These are the methods I have used to deal with stress and they work. And it is a long-term cure. You can use these methods and practices again and again whenever you need them.


It will take some work. You will have to read and think and do the meditation practices. But it is more than worth it.


Stress is extremely unpleasant. You know it; I know it, so make an effort and give it a shot. These methods work. I have practiced them in my own life. And I know that meditation benefits to stress.



And now, here are the more wonderful benefits of meditation:


1. Better sleep: One of the benefits of meditation is its ability to help improve sleep quality. With the help of establishing a good bedtime routine and cleaner air, if you add meditation to mindlessness, it helps you get a better quality of sleep and fight insomnia related symptoms like fatigue and depression.


2. Confidence: Any internal work helps to gain genuine confidence. Meditation is one of the best ways to do this. Navigating the external world becomes easier if you can confront your own inner fears, anxieties, and looping types of thoughts. Strong, genuine self-confidence naturally arises from someone who has mastered it themselves.


With regular meditation, the nervousness goes away and you become adept at working on all kinds of fears. Above all, love and true self-confidence are a by-product of self-love.


3. Conversational Skills: Increasing self-confidence naturally leads to better communication skills. But this is not the end. Through meditation, you become more present in the conversation. This means you will be a better listener.


Meditation helps you to get out of your head and fully experience the present moment. And we all know how powerful conversations can be when we are fully present and in that uninterrupted flow.


The importance of meditation in personal life is immense.

4. Resilience: Meditation results in physical, mental, and emotional resilience. It creates a place of awareness between you and any kind of pain.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor E. Frankl

Meditation creates a subtle, yet powerful energy. You are able to act in spite of the fear and move away from any fear you have.


5. Being More Human: When you practice meditation, you become more and more mindful, more and more in the moment, and more and more human. You gain a heightened awareness of your body, mind, senses, and the world around you.


It’s the difference between truly experiencing a sunset as opposed to just looking and taking a picture, or truly tasting food instead of mindlessly chomping down while watching tv.


Meditation allows you to more fully immerse yourself in the human experience.


6. Lower anxiety levels: It has also been shown that meditation reduces anxiety levels in people who practice it regularly.


When we meditate, we begin to loosen the connections of certain nerve pathways. A part of our brain called the medial prefrontal cortex deals with our experiences and information about ourselves. As a general rule, the neuronal pathways of fear and physical sensations in this part of the brain are strong. Therefore, when you fall into a frightening situation, it will cause an intense reaction in this part of your brain, which makes you feel anxious and restless.


As you meditate, you weaken this connection, and you react differently to the same situation. Another advantage of meditation is that by weakening this connection you will now strengthen the evaluation center of your brain, which is known for its reasoning. As a result, you will be able to respond calmly to potentially challenging situations.


7. Better relationships: Another benefit of meditation is to also boost your mood and give you a better sense of connection to other people. It helps to make you more compassionate and empathetic with others.


Whether you want to improve your relationships with those who are important to you or connect more effectively with your employees and customers, meditation can be a good answer.


8. Sex: Yes, meditation helps with sex too.


Being perfect in the moment, confident and intuitive is the right recipe for great sex. You will sometimes experience a connection before. If two people already have a meditation practice, then sex itself also becomes a beautiful, mutually moving meditation.


The importance of meditation in personal life is immense.

9. A Doped Libido: In addition to better sleep, you may be able to increase the quality and intensity of your intimate life. The biggest cause of sexual intercourse in a couple is fatigue. Our bodies respond to stress, usually through struggle or flight.

10. Patience“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” – Lao Tzu


When you engage in regular meditation practice, you become hyper-aware of when you’re stressed, rushed, or feeling impatient.

From this awareness, you give yourself the choice to slow down in the present moment and settle yourself. Most people are rushing to get somewhere fast. A meditator is in no hurry, yet more accomplished.


Any “wait” can become meditation instead of nervously focusing on the future. Travel becomes meditation instead of driving yourself crazy with the desire that you have already arrived at your destination. Eating always becomes meditation without thinking about the next meal.


11. Productivity: Meditation builds an unparalleled ability to focus on those who perform better in a specific task of mindfulness meditation where they are invited to give new ideas. Meditation is known to increase and encourage the tendency to think, known as divergent thinking, which allows you to come up with more solutions to a given problem, thus creating another element of creativity.


On top of that, meditation


Physical Benefits of Meditation


  • Improves energy levels
    The importance of meditation in personal life is immense.
  • Stress relief
  • Anti-aging
  • Increases immunity
  • Improves breathing
  • Reduces inflammatory disorders
  • Reduces asthma
  • Reduces premenstrual and menopausal syndrome
  • Helps prevent arthritis, fibromyalgia and even HIV

 Mental Benefits of Meditation


  • Increases concentration
  • Increases memory retention and recall
  • Enhances cognitive skills
  • Enhances creative thinking
  • Enhances decision-making skills
  • Enhances problem-solving skills
  • Better information processing
  • Help ignore distractions

Emotional Benefits of Meditation


  • Increases self-awareness
  • Increases happiness
  • Reduces depression
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Reduces worry
  • Less impulsive behavior
  • Enhances self-esteem and self-acceptance
  • Improves resilience against pain and adversity
  • Increases optimism
  • Helps prevent emotional eating and smoking
  • Helps develop positive social connections
  • Improves mood
  • Improves emotional intelligence

I hope you enjoyed this article and that it will be useful to you.


The reality is that you're focusing on one thing so that everything else begins to drop away. This enables you to have better control over distractions and helps in better decision-making. 


This is true, meditation can virtually be performed anywhere and at any time, whether you’re walking, working, drinking tea or coffee, or even eating, as long as you choose a single point of focus. Meditation doesn’t just benefit the brain it also benefits the body.


It has been found that regular meditation improves a person’s baseline happiness. It is believed that this is achieved through the fact that regular meditation enhances the gray matter in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. An area of the brain that is associated with feelings of happiness.


Meditation can be a lifelong journey, not a sprint for instant progress. Session it day by day, realizing that it is often a skill that requires commitment, patience, and practice, where the benefits are gradually realized. There is no “good” or “bad” meditation, and no “success” or “failure”; There is only awareness and non-awareness or distraction and non-confusion. Over time, the more the mind learns to be disturbed, and therefore the more stable our consciousness becomes.

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