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Monday, May 11, 2020

Best ways to exercise at home! For Women’s Health and Fitness!

Health and fitness for women is a topic that is essential as we age. All seasons are not equal when it comes to exercise. The winter and fall seasons present challenges to keeping up our fitness schedule.

Here are tips for creating a fall fitness plan. Ah, fall! No more blistering heat to contend with, air conditioning, and sleepless nights. Instead, there is the changing of the leaves, the fuzzy warm feeling we get on a cold night, and waking up to brisk fresh air and exercise.

If you are just starting a diet and exercise program, you are in good luck because the timing is right and the weather is perfect for you to start enjoying outdoors more often. Use this time to set up a regimen that you will stick to and are comfortable with.

Since the kids have returned to school, many have a bit more time to concentrate on themselves and what they need. Therefore, here are some tips to help prepare for an exercise plan that will keep you fit, healthy, and happy.

Best ways to exercise at home!

If you haven't joined a gym, you may want to consider it now. But if you are a member, renew your membership. Ask a friend if he or she would like to join also.
Schedule a routine after dropping the kids off at school. Walking for 30 minutes with another mom, three times a week would be a great start. Smaller children at home can go along in a stroller that is conducive to a brisk walk. The practice experience that comes with other moms makes it even more enjoyable.

Call upon a few neighbors or friends and ask if they would like to join in an exercise program. Sit down together and make a schedule that is good for everyone.
More importantly, make out a schedule that can be lived with and that will allow the time needed to exercise on a continual basis. Enlist the aid of family members or friends to help with babysitting if necessary.

The fall is the perfect time of year to commence a health and fitness for women, exercise program. Be sure to have good walking and/or running shoes and comfortable jogging suits.

If you work out of your home and feel that you are too busy to get or stay fit, then you need to follow up on the following exercises regularly.

 For Women’s Health and Fitness!

Have you ever wanted to exercise-at-home instead of going out to an exercise club? 

Here are 14 exercises that can be done inside the house to help you maintain good health. Now it or not we exercise every day while at home. Walking up and downstairs, cleaning, lifting or other house chores can all be considered exercise.

However, these are exercises that can be done at home. These focus on specific muscle groups that will help even more than the aforementioned general exercises. They are:

  • Workout to an exercise-at-home DVD, whether it’s an abs workout or cardiovascular.
  • Curls can be done by lying on your back, putting hands behind your head, and raising the upper body.
  • Leg exercises can be achieved by standing while holding on to the back of a chair or lying down on your side and lifting each leg for a number of repetitions.
  • Work-at-home moms who sit for hours at the computer desk can perform this exercise to keep the circulation flowing in their legs. Simply press down on your toes in an up and down motion. Any activity that can be accomplished while sitting down will prevent muscular pain later.
  • Stretching exercises are essential. Stand with both hands against a wall and move your right leg back so that your foot is flat against the floor. Hold for a few seconds; then repeat with the left leg.
  • Arm exercises are important to improve muscle tone. Use an exercise band and place both feet on one end and with each hand raise and lower the band; first with your palms up then down.
  • Keep a CD and dance for about 20-30 minutes. This is a great cardiovascular workout.
  • Use 5 or 10 lbs. weights to exercise your arms. You can even do this exercise sitting in a chair.
  • Incorporate sit-ups, jumping rope, and push-ups into that daily routine.
  • Another great stretching exercise to perform is to lie on your back, bring up your right knee to your chest with your right hand and roll the knee to your left side so that it touches the floor. Keep it in place with your left hand.
  • Lie on the floor with your hands behind your head for a certain period of time. Remember, however, not to pull your head with your hands, because it puts pressure on your spine. Lift your upper body as if you wanted to reach the ceiling with your chest. Keep your chin raised.
  • Lie on the floor with your knees pointing to the left. Lift your upper body and stay in this position for 3 seconds, then lie down slowly. After completing the series, change the page.
  • Lie down on the ground with your left leg straight and slightly raised. Raise the upper body (from the chest) as high as possible, hold on for a while, and slowly lower.
  • Lie on the floor with the belt in your hands. Move your arms from your chest to your head until your arms are at a 30-degree angle to the floor. Keep your hands near your head. Slowly return to the previous position.

Best ways to exercise at home!

This exercise is fast, easy, and complete. And most importantly, you can adapt it to your current mood and the level of motivation associated with it (on a scale from total discouragement to the frenzy of activity). And best of all these are At home workout routine that you can carry out from the comfort of your home, especially during the self-quarantine all over the world. Always stretch before starting any exercise routine to prevent injury. This routine should be one of our health concerns.

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