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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

You must do something special to lose excess body weight

As a Sports Nutrition Specialist, a Consultant in Weight Loss, and a Certified Personal Trainer, these tips are the key for anyone trying to lose weight!
First, we should know that there is a huge difference between the terms “lose weight “and “lose fat “

Losing weight may occur by too many unhealthy diets or problems, you will feel fatigued all day, you may lose muscles and fluids not only some fat and that is a disaster! For example: cutting off carbs may cause a fast weight loss because carbs bond to water in your body to be stored so when you cut carbs there is no need for that water which bond to it, so you will see that you lost weight in maybe first 3_4 days but that's not fat !! You just lost numbers.

 to lose excess body weight

Many unhealthy diets tell you to cut off carbs at all to lose weight and that's bad!!

Losing fat is the healthy term, which means you will try to lose one excess fat without losing muscles or your body fluids. You can't lose only fat in the wrong way, you must make a diet plan with a few exercises which will boost your burning fat journey.

If you want to lose weight, you must eat less and burn more. It simply means you need to start eating healthy and become restrictive on your calorie intake and start doing exercises for burning calories and already stored fat. Now, to burn calories, you can simply start doing some exercises which don’t require you to get enrolled in a gym. Although strength training is a great way of losing weight and gaining muscle it doesn’t mean that you cannot lose weight the other way round.

Here are some exercises you can do that do not require lifting weights or going to the gym.

  • Running to Lose. Simply begin by running for 15 minutes daily. Running is a great way of burning calories. You can do this at any place you want, you can simply run around in your neighborhood, you can go to a nearby part with an iPod, etc.
  • Swimming on Weekends. Swimming is the best cardio exercise. If you don’t want to go to the gym, go for the swim on weekends. You can only look for one hour on your weekend for this great cardio practice. The more you swim the more you burn. If you don’t know how to swim, don’t worry, you can get assistance from professional at a nearby health club.
  • Up & Down. Whenever possible, use the stairs instead of elevators. For example, you can do the exercises in high school or office leisure time or go to the shopping mall for shopping or even in your apartment. Just look for the options which you can easily access and use.
  • Treadmill If Affordable. You can simply purchase a treadmill and put it in your own place if you can afford it. If you can’t go outside to run or don’t have a place nearby, keep a treadmill at your place. You can make use of it at any time. Plus, you can increase the time as well. You search 15 minutes in the morning, jump on the treadmill, you made your dinner, an hour later, jump on the treadmill for 10 minutes. All these little things can give you big time.

To lose excess body weight

  • Cycling is Fun. Want to go out for groceries, want to catch up with your friend nearby? Instead of using four-wheelers, use the cycle. Cycling is a great way to tone the thighs and leg muscles. It’s about keeping things simple but about becoming more effective and creative.
  • Keep a Jump Rope. Keep a jump rope at your place. At any time of the day you can just start jumping. 15 minutes of jump roping can boost your efforts big time. Plus, it’s not a piece of expensive equipment neither it requires a huge place to fit in.
  • Dancing on the Tunes. If you love music, then why not start moving on the tunes? Enjoy the music and shake your body. Dancing helps in burning calories. You’re not participating in a competition, so no one will be out there to judge your moves.
  • Untimely Exercise. There are so many exercises you can easily do without any equipment and any professional assistance. Things like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, crunches can be done anywhere and anytime. Do as much as you can, there’s not a limit to it, you can do 20, go for it, you can do 100 go for it.
  • Try The Ancient Technique. Yoga is an ancient technique for boosting both mental and physical fitness. You can learn how to add by searching online or watching video tutorials. 15 minutes of yoga per day can be a great addition. You can do it at your home, at your office, at your high-school in a garden, etc.
  • Morning sunbath is very effective for the body. So ‍as much as can be exposed to the sun. I recently learned about a woman who lost 16 pounds (7.26 kg) by doing that alone. Has something to do with electrons. You can read more about it from Thaddeus Owen. It is a form of Biohacking.

Here are more tips that will help everyone to try to get in shape:

  • Start your day with warm to hot water with lemon. Bits of help get liver, gallbladder, and digestive system releasing.
  • Eat protein dense foods! Like chicken, egg, low-fat meat, fish, etc. Protein heads the highest TEF (thermic effect of food) between macros.

To lose excess body weight

  • Eat at least five portions of vegetables and try to eat them raw to get more nutrients.
  • Do some sport! Go for a walk in the morning for 30 minutes before your breakfast, or do some resistance training it will help you a lot in toning your body and boost fat loss.
  • Stay away from High sugar foods/drink, processed foods, Fries, and fast foods. You can eat them once a week but not more!
  • Drink water! Water is more than 70% of your body, it boosts your metabolism and gives you better performance.
  • Be active! Get out of your sedentary lifestyle and go into active mode, use stairs instead of the lift, go for a walk to the market, not by car!
  • Consider doing coffee enemas. They do more than just help with pain and clear blood, they are unforgettable for weight loss and natural cures for cancer. We desire what is in our blood, coffee enemas take it. Be it food, drugs, or alcohol. They are how I helped one get rid of three hard drugs. And what I use for pain.
  • Sweat and movement. Shaking and a great way to keep toxins out.
  • Careful with prescription drugs. Some side effects cause weight gain, men to grow breasts, and down yonder to shrink.
  • If organic animal products are not eaten, farmers risk using your livestock and livestock in large quantities to gain more weight with the same ingredients. Hormones and steroids, to name two. Humans tend to eat more animal products than animals. Fear of angry animals before being butchered = Angry people of fear. All too often, before doctors do the butchering.

Most of your calories burned during your daily activity not just by working out! I hope you will see amazing results if you try these 11 steps! Our goal should always be to feed our body, mind, and spirit. NOT OUR TASTE BUDS. Doing so allows us to be satisfied with less. Whatever you eat, it must be quality in comparison to quantity. You can get full on less nutrient-dense food than high-calorie empty food. Patience is a virtue. Every year we abuse our body, it can take up to a month to undo. Should I remember more, I will add to this list. In the meantime, CHEERS!

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