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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Our responsibilities in the midst of fighting the Corona pandemic and preserving values.

I don’t intend to demean or offend anyone, but even during this tremendously terrifying disaster, I am shocked and perplexed to see some so-called morally vigilant people showing such apparent unscrupulous attitude. Some people are endangering the lives of themselves, their families as well as the entire society by not understanding the gravity of the volatile situation and showing a recklessly idiotic attitude by disregarding the threat of corona virus. But there is no certainty of when will this devastatingly dangerous ignorance be changed into acutely culminated conscientiousness. 


Although we are intellectually diligent creatures and eventually develop an authentic individuality, unfortunately we have a few minor yet frighteningly consequential characteristic deficiencies in ourselves. We are the unique and best of all creations and demonstrate our uniqueness and originality through such intricacies that are often magnificently fascinating. We can meet our needs, demands and desires, even differentiate between auspicious favorable and hostile adverse environment and amazingly harness the unbelievable audacity to confront any and every kind of enigmatically challenging obstacles to triumph in life undoubtedly. 


Struggle for foods

Then, why are we acting in such an inhumanely indifferent way even during such terrifyingly turbulent circumstances today? Answering such a question is truly difficult. So I want to convey some of my profoundly contemplated thoughts and ideas regarding this specifically significant issue to which some of you might disagree with me, some might not even hesitate to start criticizing my proclaims. Even so, I want to unbiased propose some discrete ideas which I have been pondering for a while concerning the matter of corona virus from an objective perspective. If I can provide you all with relevantly appropriate evidence with self-evident logical assumptions, then I am certainly optimistic that you won’t be able to deny my presupposition proclaims.


Firstly, I want to propose that we pursue the COVID-19 plague as an opportunity to refine, reform and correct ourselves rather than seeing it as a terrifyingly distressful pandemic. Would that be too difficult or outlandish? Most certainly not. I believe myself to be utmost accurate as I realize it very well that, humankind has a perpetually strange proclivity of the inability to differentiate between right and wrong concerning their well-being, especially when they are at the disastrous verge of chaotic turmoil and the darkest uncertainty. It must be a perpetual phenomenon ever since the dawn of humanity. Though such nature of reality is irreversible, there might be always a few exceptions. 


But to ensure the higher altruistic benevolence for the survival of humanity, we must have the consolidated audacity to pledge of upholding the characteristics of rigorously vigorous conscientiousness. It will be a blessing and remarked as an honor in history for the future descendants of our nation. If we consider these prospects delicately, then we might begin to question the validity of discrimination, prejudice, malevolence, malignancy, and the horrifyingly lethal weapons of mass destruction. Some incredibly powerful and wealthy countries have been covertly trying to develop deadly biochemical weapons to wipe out entire civilizations and continents. 


But have the most powerful people who represent these global superpowers ever questioned themselves about what right do they have to conquer or decimate the world by insidiously establishing these ridiculously extravagant, clandestine operations. Maybe God it is just as much as angry as we are but God, unlike us, has demonstrated an unimaginable patience and has been protecting his master piece of creations evens during all this chaos! But what are we doing? Do we even take a moment to notice all of this?


May be Corona virus is a kind of unique biochemical weapon which has brought the world down to its knees and has made the global superpowers of the world crumble. It has made us realize how pathetically helpless and remorsefully hopeless we are at the brink of the destructively invincible, invisible power of Mother Nature. But covid-19 doesn't seem to be a natural disaster, rather it seems more likely to be a man-made biochemical weapon. Now, I don’t want to investigate or argue about the origin of this nefariously noxious disease or how it dispersed far and wide across the world, that is not of my original concern but it is alleged that it might be a man-made biochemical weapon of mass destruction. 


Unfortunately, today the world has been changed in a lot of massively detrimental ways by the unknown influence of an invisible force of nature and this force is becoming ever increasingly more and more mysterious every single day to the so-called champions of the world such as the specialists, doctors, researches, scientists and other prominent, dominant intellectual personalities around the globe. Still, I am optimistic that today, tomorrow or the day after that, we might have this mystery solved. 


But I am afraid by then most of us may face extinction just like hundreds of species have faced their doom because of the in clementine’s of the hostile adverse environments at different periods of history. Maybe we have come to the end too, maybe we don't have much time left. But regretfully, this dreadfully voracious process can be accelerated by the destructive nature of men as they have created such weapons of mass destruction.


There is no certainty that any thermonuclear or biochemical weapon of mass destruction won’t be implemented shortly again like the grave, horrendously horrific holocaust of the past. Maybe there will be even more incredibly obliterating weapons, far more anxiously annihilating than ever before used in the days to come. Such predictions can be easily made by observing and speculating the various countries and communities around the world as they are becoming increasingly self-sufficient and constructing inconceivable military forces or trying to establish aggressive monopoly in the global economy, for which our existence as a race is at constant threat as covid-19 proves once again how demoralizing hopeless we are when it comes to the detrimental sides of science and technology. 


Maybe corona virus is one of the consequences of man-made science and technology which was originally supposed to enhance humanity, but it turned out to be a failed experiment, and now most of the humanity is suffering the consequences of this kind of pandemic that has, yet, never been seen before in the course of human history. Humans have suffered from various kinds of men-made and natural disasters but nothing as cleansing as the covid-19 up until today.


Maybe we have become so lethargically passive that we have given up our individuality to the rising power of modern, cutting edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, artificial power, devices of mass communication, and weapons of mass destruction. Covid-19 has shown the world how defectively insufficient healthcare and medical system we have. The institution known as the World Health Organization (WHO) which was established to monitor and supervise the medical facilities around the world has not only abjectly failed but also pitifully remains silent giving a painfully remorseful consent to the pandemic. This massive organization has also failed to investigate and identity the perpetrators who may have been responsible for this horrifyingly horrible and despicably horrendous act at a global scale.


 People all around the world are shocked to witness the colossal defeat of the World Health Organization (WHO) and many have started to suspect that the organization had some clue at the preliminary stage, but refused to share the sensitive information with rest of the world. Still, this enormous organization has remained silent and hasn’t been taking any genuinely crucial step to fight the pandemic. It has been alleged by some independent think tanks in various social media that the organization is misleading the general people by spreading disinformation.


But rather than being perplexed by the overwhelming obstructions of the World Health Organization (WHO), we can become conscious and cautious and invoke others by observing the everyday struggle of people from all walks of life, in and beyond our communities, we have to be humane and humanitarian, no more than ever. It is needless to say that no one can fight against an entire pandemic all alone and it will be despicably inhuman and utterly ruthless to stay at home idly, selfishly, without doing anything for the poor working class of our plagued country.


If we have even an ounce of humanity at all inside of us, then we won't be able to sit idly at home in this great turmoil. If we stand strong and hold our ground, the people we defended will never forget about us. But if we fail to uphold the ideal and justice at this very period of grave tragedy, then we might never be able to respect ourselves nor the people will remember us with respect or love, rather they might condemn us with great contempt. If we distance ourselves from the poor and ill-fated classes of people in the worst possible socio-economic hardship despite having economic stability, just to keep ourselves safe, then we will not even be able to forgive ourselves and will suffer from self-contempt. 


But even in this situation I am not surprised or marveled at the attitude of the political communities around the world of various countries. I genuinely despise these actions from the deepest core of my heart. Some of these manipulative opportunities politicians are very busy taking advantage of this deadly global crisis and criticizing aimlessly to establish their self-conceited, egoistic political agenda, despite confronting the inconceivably imminent threats. They are deceiving and manipulating the general people by lying and prevaricating. These people don't care how many more get indiscriminately, mercilessly slaughtered in their gamble of disgustingly hypocritical politics. 


They have kept on gambling with the common people's fate. Though some policies made by the conscientious politicians are making the world more organized and safe. But most of the effort is being sabotaged by the corrupt, unscrupulous people. So, the general people have started to lose their faith in the system. Maybe that's why so many people have occupied the roads of the major cities around the world not fearing even death as they are famished and fatigued. They are not fighting corona-virus, but simply attempting to survive. Covid-19 is destroying the socio-economic structures of the society and the poor, ill-fated are dying of starvation.


Slowly but gradually everything is getting out of the control of the so-called policymakers and great leaders. Anarchy and chaos is taking over our society. Covid-19 has already made our society crumble, to make matters worse, crime is increasing at an exponential rate. It is really hard to imagine how the countries around the world would deal with this outburst of crime where they haven't even been able to figure out how to fight against corona-virus at a national scale. It is a tremendous threat to the existence of any civilization and brings nothing but distress and dysfunction. So, in this day and age, of such colossal catastrophe, we must unite to deal with this global crisis.


To face this grave calamity, we must unite irrespective to our caste, creed, race and all other apparent differences. We must extend our hands to save the unfortunate from the plague known as starvation, especially the lower classes of our society, so that the entire society may survive and not suffer the fate of extinction. We must give up all kinds of malevolence, malignancy, and shortsightedness and become more liberal to solve the problems we have today. If we fail to do so, then god knows what is waiting for us shortly, it might even be the end of everything.


And that was why I had told you that covid-19 is more than just a pandemic, it's an opportunity to change ourselves and the very structures of our society radically. The threat of the virus is spreading far and wide at an ever-increasing exponential rate, for which our lives are becoming more and more oblivious to this virus. So we must become conscious and cautious and uphold the values of morality and justice. 


If we had been awake from the beginning, maybe we could have avoided many of the damage that we have already endured. No matter what we say, we must admit that we are the ones who are truly responsible even if we didn't create the virus and must compensate for that with just about everything. People are dying all around the world because of the battle of power by the so-called supreme leaders who are experimenting different kinds of policies and weapons of mass destruction such as the thermonuclear or the biochemical weapons that we are terrified of.

But hopefully, we still have the chance to form a last stance against corona-virus by not lying or prevaricating anymore, rather working according to humanitarian values and maintaining hygiene. It is not the time for dirty manipulative politics. Some crooked people may fool some people sometimes, they might fool some people all the time, they might even fool all the people sometimes, but never, all the people all the time. We have no idea who might get affected at what point nor do we have any cure. This deadly virus is hunting us, and we have become the helpless hunted. So, we must wake up before it's too late. 


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