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Thursday, May 14, 2020

The health protection of children should be ensured first

Parents are responsible for choosing the type of foods offered (nutrition), when they are offered (at regular scheduled) and where they are offered (at home or outside) children are responsible how much he wants to eat or whether he wants to eat anything at all depends on his needs. 

Parents should be role model and the child should observe the parents enjoying a balanced diet. The child should never be forced to eat something more than he can take. Kids are sensitive to taste; any change in taste in everyday food can be rejected. Hence, food references for the child should be taken into consideration. The parents should make their child important values like to eat everything on his plate which increases the pleasure of food and ensures the optimal health of a child.

Food should be slightly seasoned so that they taste better and the child takes it well, also it is very important to maintain proper and regular mealtime. The child should never be hurried while taking food, the atmosphere around should also be pleasant and with a positive peaceful environment. Remember that small changes in everyday can life can make a great difference.

The fundamental rights of the child

There is no way children should be allowed to eat fast food so that their appetite is lost. However, before 12 months, you can introduce them to different foods like vegetables, delicious fruits, and dairy foods. In this case, all the food allergies must be avoided. Because consuming all those foods can hinder their growth. Moreover, children can never go to a restaurant and buy French fries. Because their ingredients are inferior, which is very harmful to the baby's body.

All a kid needs are one good meal a day- that's it. And they don't have to eat that food all at once, but can be given routinely. As well as serving milk (breakfast), they may need veggies or carbs for lunch and 2 ounces of meat for dinner. But more than that, it can be very difficult for the baby to eat. Even he/she can stop eating! They have a tiny stomach and kids prefer to graze all day rather than eat a whole meal at once. 

If you want, you can offer your child a variety of healthy foods to eat three or four times a day:

Four times can be good for very young children. Make sure they are drinking plenty of water and not more. If necessary, you can give them one or two glasses of milk a day. If you know that there are certain healthy foods that your child likes to try to include them several times a week. Offer fruits and/or vegetables at least twice a day, three times is better. Try different methods of preparation. Invite your child to help with preparation. When you want your child to try a meal, serve small amounts (one teaspoon) and ask your child to try only that bite. Give them a napkin and tell them that if they don’t like it, they can spit it into the napkin. Sometimes if you encourage them to feed, they will be discouraged. That is why you can never provide them with high-fat or sugary foods, which will hinder their healthy and strong health. However, you can give your baby dairy products again after one month, so that his taste buds can come back.

As long as you keep healthy food on their plate them choose how much to eat i.e. try to prioritize their opinion as much as possible. Never force them to finish their dinner or set any conditions that may discourage them rather than speed up their eating. All parents need to be aware of this. Don’t encourage them to eat healthy foods by offering their favorite dessert. That just encourages overeating. If they promise dessert that they have finished eating, you can tell them directly and calmly that there is no dessert. Because it's your responsibility to explain it to them. It’s a popular misconception that a child who refuses to eat will end up with an eating disorder. The adage: breakfast like a king, lunch like a duke, and dinner like a pauper still hold, especially with kids. The last thing they need is energy at bedtime. Then encourage them to burn it off before bedtime.

The fundamental rights of the child

For the health of the baby, you must choose some of the best quality food:

To ensure a healthy height development for a child one should make sure that the child is getting a proper amount of nutrients required for height development. Some essential nutrients for overall height development areas:

·    Protein: It is the most essential ingredient that works well with other nutrients as well as increasing the baby’s height. Protein is associated with the growth of tissues and repairs the damaged tissue. Also, it ensures thin muscle growth and helps in the overall development of a baby.

·     Soybeans: If you are vegetarian then you can give soybeans to your children, an alternative source of protein. Proteins play a vital role in the overall development of the body, it promotes and accelerates the growth of the children.

·     Milk: Milk also plays a vital role in providing an efficient height for children. You can add milk in the diet of the child to promote his/her good health.

·        Avoid Junk Foods: Eating junk food must be discouraged, keeping in mind the growth of the child's physique. Prepare good food with them, if possible. They could go for something made at home if they understand your food is better than others because it’s something more local. In this case, you could build some cooking skills, not easy but useful in the long term. And in this case, you can follow up on the online-based tutorials.

Before preparing the baby's daily meal, it is important to see if there are any allergies to the listed foods!

There is no confirmed or unconfirmed connection about what you eat or avoid during pregnancy, vs. what food allergies your child develops. The only thing that is most likely correlated is the overall genetic tendency for allergies and asthma in the family. Until and unless further allergy research determines otherwise, what food allergies your child specifically develops will be triggered only by exposure to food proteins and their own hyper immune system sensitivity.

What you eat has not been determined to have any effect. Eat healthily and sensibly. Aversions are just your personal experiences with hormonal changes and sensitivity to strong smells that come with pregnancy. Since at least 1 in every 20 children has a food allergy, it’s important to keep an eye out for the following food allergy symptoms:

·         Itching of the mouth and throat
·         Throat tightness
·         Nausea
·         Vomiting
·         Abdominal pain
·         Sneezing
·         Wheezing
·         Itchy skin
·         Hives

If you think your child has a food allergy, talk to your doctor, and take advice so that you can easily remove allergenic foods from your child's food list. Because the more conscious you are, the safer the baby will be in food intake.

The fundamental rights of the child

Eating foods that increase the child's immune system!!!

It is important to have certain ingredients in the baby's food list that can boost his body's resistance to disease. Below are some issues highlighted:

·     Fish helps build the immune system and is also food for the working brain. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids as well as other healthy fats, a have to increase the activity levels of body cells. Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are highly nutritious for children's health.

·     Nuts should be your simple and easy choice when you want to give a handful to your child at the time of victory. They contain a lot of proteins, minerals, and vitamins and are also rich in antioxidants such as omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin E. Try all the baby alternatives like nuts, pistachios, walnuts, raisins, dates, dried figs, etc. You may include dry fruits in garnishing home-cooked sweets, chocolates, or bars. This is a great way to build your child’s immune power!

·    Mushrooms contain a good amount of zinc, which is an important ingredient in boosting a baby's immune system. Mushrooms help in fighting the common cold, flu, and other infections. Different types of mushrooms have varying antibacterial, antiviral and anti-tumor effects. So the next time you want to feed your child nutritious food, try gravy mushroom-peas or mushroom sandwiches. You can add mushrooms to soups, salads, and mix-vegetables!

·      Calcium-rich products are very important for the health of children. Yogurt could be a perfect example of this and I would probably add little organic unripe strawberries or other berries, cheese (sandwiches), milk. (Again, teach your child to make these.) Legumes and leafy veggies, etc. If you want to give vegetables instead of salads made for your child, chop some garlic and onion and mix them. Plus you can cook the spinach well with the potatoes and serve it on a baby plate. These are calcium-rich foods. Another quick snack is cream cheese sandwiches, with or without a little jam. On toasted or untoasted whole grain organic bread.

From my experience, children are ready to take food from their surrounding supplementary needs. But if you plan to force-feed them, you are ignoring their wishes. And then they are discouraged from eating. As I am noticing in the case of my son. So there will be requests for everyone, especially those who have children; they will refrain from doing these things even if they forget.

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