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Friday, August 7, 2020

Yoga exercises are very important in our daily life and play an effective role in good health.

Yoga is an ancient doctrine that was created to cleanse and strengthen the body, as well as to find inner peace and balance. Yoga is a specific way of life that helps to reach harmony and perfect physical health for men and women. 


Yoga helps the body to preserve youth and beauty Eliminates the disease and at the same time calms the nerves, restores emotional balance, Clears the mind and increases stress resistance, work performance relieves chronic fatigue syndrome and helps to restore energy balance.


Yoga has a strong cosmetic effect: the face and the body get rid of sagging and swelling through Yoga Asanas – special exercises and proper breathing. Yoga helps to lose weight.


Asanas are perfect forms of exercise, which develop body resistance to diseases. They form a harmonious work of all internal systems. Breathing exercises combined with Asanas have withstood the test of time and are still considered the best system for recovery.


Yoga exercises are very important in our daily life


5 reasons to take up yoga-


Flexibility, which is connected with the elasticity of muscles, ligaments, joint mobility. The person loses flexibility with the age, which is largely due to the aging process. Regular practice of yoga will not only help maintain flexibility but also will help to develop it at any age.


  • Availability. One of the advantages of yoga is that it opens the door to all, at any age. It is never too late to start. 
  • Mild effect. Muscle tone. Unlike ordinary sports, yoga does not cause muscle spasms. 
  • Alone with yourself. In our busy world, it is great to have an opportunity to be alone with yourself. Yoga practice and meditation give an incomparable sense of unity, helping to calm the mind. You will learn to hear yourself which is important. 
  • Yoga protects your health. Yoga helps regulate weight (normalizing the level of cortisol, a hormone that is under stress causes your appetite). Moreover, reducing the level of the stress hormone cortisol, regular practice helps retain calcium in the bones, preventing osteoporosis. 
  • Yoga for your face: prolonging youth, maintaining beauty.


Agree that the human face is the first thing people look at trying to evaluate a person's attractiveness. At the same time, the structure of the face is a huge set of facial muscles, which operate almost without interruption which leads to the appearance of skin wrinkles with aging. 


All women hate this process and try to fight it with the help of all possible methods, including laser treatment. Undoubtedly, we can not stop the aging process completely, but we can prolong skin youth and this task is quite feasible as it can be solved with the help of yoga for the face or modern non-invasive skin laser treatment techniques. 


But, of course, first, you should try to get rid of wrinkles and prevent their appearance with the help of yoga, and resort to other more radical measures only if it does not help.


So, let's figure out how to remove wrinkles? Every woman at any age can perform exercises of yoga for the face. They are quite simple. Scientists have proved that skin starts aging at the age of 25 years, so if you want to keep your face skin young and beautiful as long as possible, you need to start fighting wrinkles from a young age.


Yoga exercises are very important in our daily life

Initially, yoga is not only a complex of physical exercises, yoga is primarily spiritual development, leading to a positive perception of the world, which improves health and prolongs body youth. Positive thinking and joyful emotions are paramount criteria, and only in addition to them, a set of exercises for facial rejuvenation was designed. 


The main plus of yoga for the face is that all the exercises are quite simple, can be performed at home, and do not take much time. You can also visit our group yoga sessions, click here to know more. Let's consider some of these in more detail.


Following unusual exercise helps to improve circulation and skin tone of face and neck: open your mouth wide, stick out the tongue, while roll your eyes up maximally. Held the position for a minute and repeat 2 - 3 times with short breaks.


Another exercise that helps to strengthen muscles of the neck and preserves lip contour is: tilt your head back and pull gripped lips up. Maintain this position for a few seconds and repeat five times. These simple exercises work as you can see in our gallery of before and after pics provided by people, who have practiced yoga for the face.


Yoga as an integral part of full recovery of the body after plastic surgery

Any operation aims to bring back health and beauty or heal the patient from a serious disease. Sometimes a surgical intervention becomes real salvation, as plastic surgery has leaped forward in recent decades. Modern technologies allow us to carry out complex operations with minimal damage to the body. 


Nowadays the percentage of postoperative complications is very low and the risk for the patient, who has decided on the operation, is minimal. However, the operation is still a serious interference with the structure of the body. Postoperative trauma, as well as any other consequences needed to be treated. Recovery after surgery is necessary - state Montreal health care experts.


The recovery period after surgery depends on the type of intervention and the state's human health. And since the operations are different, and that rehabilitation programs also differ. Nowadays yoga is considered an integral part of recovery after plastic surgeries of various types, including breast augmentation. 


Yoga exercises are very important in our daily life

Methods for recovery after surgery

Today, rehabilitation centers use a variety of methods for post-operative recovery. Great importance is given to physiotherapy and yoga. Physiotherapy and special yoga classes are the most gentle and safe methods of exposure, but they are very effective. A variety of physical therapy procedures is huge, but only a doctor must determine what type fits a patient best.


1. Therapeutic exercising and yoga classes- This is one of the most common, simple, and yet effective recovery methods. Over the decades, the successful application of physical therapy has developed many systems for rehabilitation after various injuries, plastic surgeries (breast augmentation and abdominoplasty), operations on joints and spine. But therapeutic exercise should be carried out in conjunction with other restorative procedures - warming up, massage, magnetic therapy. Exercises that are performed without doctor's supervision, can bring serious harm.


2. Massage- Massage is one of the oldest ways of rehabilitation, its history backs thousands of years. Massage stimulates blood circulation, increases the tone of the central nervous system, and accelerates regeneration processes.


3. Electrical stimulation- Electrical stimulation is a method of the therapeutic effect of pulsed currents to strengthen and restore the health of muscles and nerves. This kind of exposure is crucial in the rehabilitation treatment of injuries and diseases of the nervous system.


Dentistry and yoga: How are they connected?

Despite the abundance of widely advertised methods and products for teeth care, their condition often leaves much to be desired. Let's face it - a little on the light of the lucky ones who would not need the help of a dentist. 


No matter how long we brush our teeth, but they don’t get "perfectly white" as in advertising. So to reach this desired effect we are looking for various professional clinics, ready to apply to medical financing companies to fund our expenses for this Hollywood smile. 


But unfortunately, these expensive procedures do not do the trick. You might argue that there are conservative methods of teeth care that bring positive results, but the recent research in dental medicine shows that the number of children suffering from caries and other dental problems have increased dramatically.


Admittedly, the problem of maintaining healthy teeth, despite all the achievements of dentistry, remains important today. The main question is whether there are any changes to provide your teeth with reliable care with our resorting to expensive medical treatments if conventional methods do not work? The solution to this problem might sound very surprising and unusual. It is yoga.


In yoga, the teeth are not treated as a separate body part, but as an important part of the digestive system of our body. Therefore, great attention here is paid to the hygiene of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, proper chewing load, and nutrition.


PROPER NUTRITION. Yoga has always been linked to the condition of the teeth with the digestive system. Modern research has also shown that inadequate intake of vitamins, proteins, mineral salts, fluorine, and various trace elements contributes to the development of caries. It is therefore very important to pay attention to proper nutrition.


YOGIS TOOTHBRUSH. Despite the obvious advantages of this method of masticatory stress, yoga does not neglect brushing your teeth and well cleaned interdental spaces. Yoga tries not to use toothbrushes (or, at least, as often as possible to change them) because in the moist environment of the bathroom on the brush can take quite a while saving the microorganisms. 


So use natural disposable "toothbrush" - twigs of coniferous trees (spruce, pine, fir) - length 15 - 20 cm and a diameter of about 5 mm You can pre-prepare dried twigs, and then soak them in water.


BRUSHING YOUR TEETH WITH SALT. It is recommended to brush your teeth with a pinch of sea salt. Don’t be surprised – there are a lot of useful elements and microelements in sea salt that enrich tooth enamel and make it stronger and caries resistant.


Get rid of bruxism with yoga

Periodic reduction of the masticatory muscles, which are paroxysmal and are accompanied by involuntary contraction of the jaw and teeth grinding, is called "bruxism". From this very unpleasant disease suffer an estimated 5-15% of the population of the planet. The disease can occur both in childhood and in adult years.


Massage of the chin and jaw has a positive effect on bruxism treatment. This massage is done in the following way: you need to compress the palms of the jaw on each side under the jaw. Then slightly press your fingers and massage in a circular motion. If these simple movements occur discomfort or pain, the exercise should be discontinued. 


This massage can take to relieve tension from the jaw. If we talk about the psychological aspect of the treatment of bruxism, it is important to relieve a person from stress. It is excessive stress that provokes a manifestation of bruxism. To get rid of the psychological stress must practice daily deep breathing (inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth). 


In addition to breathing exercises, you need to exercise systematically. Physical exercises not only relieve stress and nervous tension but also produce endorphins. A good remedy for bruxism is yoga. It can easily soothe and relax the muscles of the entire body, including the face.


Ayurvedic massages, spa treatments, and yoga

The secret of ayurvedic treatments is hidden in the nature that surrounds us. A long time ago Indians have learned to use all the advantageous properties of vegetables, fruits, spices, herbs, precious stones, metals, and minerals. This knowledge allowed them to create unique products, which can restore the skin, making it look young and beautiful. 


Yoga, in combination with ayurvedic massages and other spa programs aimed at treatment and rejuvenation of the body, allows us to achieve great results that can last for many years. 


Yoga is a great way to feel strong and energetic. However, some people require additional care and treatment. In this case, advanced equipment designed especially for skin and body care can help a person get rid of all problems.


In Yoga Meditation center you can receive full complex of procedures. Ayurvedic massages and treatments have come to us from ancient India. Nowadays, they are gaining huge popularity in Canada and all around the world due to its effectiveness. All massages and treatments are performed with the use of special oils and herbs. 


These materials are a universal means that help to restore health, relax, and improve the quality of life for people of any age. Ayurvedic massages, which are performed with the help of specialized equipment help people deal with many illnesses and diseases effectively, ranging from weight problems to more complex skin and body diseases.


As a result of the procedures, the body gets rid of toxins and activates the mechanism of natural rejuvenation. Ayurvedic massages and treatments, unlike conventional massage - is a spa ritual, which takes place in an atmosphere of a spa cabinet filled with the sounds of mantra music and aromas of Indian incense and oils.


Yoga, as well as Ayurveda, originated in ancient India. These two phenomena have not only a common language but also the common goal - improve the physical and mental wellbeing of the person. Yoga and Ayurveda are very intertwined. Yoga breathing exercises (pranayama) and yoga postures (asanas), combined with Ayurvedic treatments and massages, correct diet ensure your physical and mental health. 


Yoga is not just physical training. It gives the body strength, lightness, stability, makes it more stable and improves the ability to concentrate. Exercises performed under the supervision of a specialist are selected by the practice of yoga, the state of a patient's body, and its constitution. They are very effective for both the prevention and treatment of many diseases. 


Many Ayurveda procedures are performed with the help of an innovative Formax machine, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. This combination has proved its effectiveness in neurological diseases, digestive disorders, obesity, respiratory pathology syndromes caused by stress effects and other ailments that are often present in the life of modern people.

Yoga exercises are very important in our daily life

The best meditation to practice is the one that helps you to reach your goal. There are many methods and purposes with meditation practice. For most people, meditation means closing your eyes, slowing down your breathing, focusing on your goals by repeating a sentence without being distracted by anything else, but there is more to it than that.

Yoga is a beautiful practice that motivates practitioners to work from the inside out. It draws your attention to the inside and teaches you to concentrate on the breath. Physical exercise works and drives in intelligent ways to strengthen and prolong the body, which is also limited to the (optimistic) mind.

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